Gillian Hartley, Class of 2017
Starting in my junior year, I knew that I wanted to compete for the Coach Smith Scholarship. When I actually won the award at the end of my senior season, it meant a lot to me, and it is something that I consider to be a huge accomplishment. It is hardly about the money or even the recognition of winning, but more about the reassurance of the person that others see me as - someone whose name could be even somewhat associated with the legend - Michael Smith. This award means even more now that Coach Smith has retired, and the continuance of this scholarship will surely touch the hearts of any team member who receives it.
Connor Meehan, Class of 2017
It was, and continues to be, an incredible honor to be selected as a recipient of the Coach Smith Scholarship. I'm humbled beyond words, knowing the legacy this represents. Men and women of selfless service-mindedness, while excelling in academics as well as athletics, have paved the road before me. Cross Country is an extended family that has blessed my life, forever impacting me for the better.
Annie Fuelle, Class of 2016
When I won the Coach Smith Scholarship, I could not believe it. Running never came easily for me, but I raced for myself, my sisterhood, and most importantly for my coach, Mike Smith. Winning the Coach Smith Scholarship was an honor as much as it was a privilege. I am grateful to have been a part of the Saline Girls Cross Country program for four years, and I challenge myself daily to be the woman Coach Smith would be proud of, whether I am running or not. Most importantly, I strive to honor the man who taught all of us that “the person you thought you were is no match for the person you really are.” Thank you, Coach Smith.
Brian Blankenship, Class of 2016
Although Coach Smith has consistently coached some of the finest athletes in the state of Michigan, I believe his greatest accomplishment has been teaching the countless young men and women that go through the Saline Cross Country program the value of hard work, self-sacrifice, and personal growth. Although my short tenure with the team in no way matches his unwavering commitment to the program for the last 39 years, I am honored to be recognized as having made a positive contribution to the team he taught me to love.
Emily Diehl, Class of 2015
Saline Cross Country is an incredible program that will always hold a special place in the hearts of its alumni, and so much of its legacy can be attributed to Coach Smith. Coach constantly inspired hard work and passion, both in cross country and in life, contributing to the incredible athletic and academic success of the team. I am so honored to have received this scholarship. It has helped me in pursuing my dreams at Northwestern University, but even more importantly, it is a constant reminder of the cross country family that is still so special to me.
Kevin Hall, Class of 2015
Coach Smith is the man, and receiving a scholarship in his name is quite the honor. Saline Cross Country is a very special program, and Coach Smith played a huge part in making it what it is today. I am continuing my running career in college and I owe it all to Coach Smith and the Saline Cross Country program!
Karina Becker, Class of 2014
The Coach Smith Scholarship allowed me the achieve my dream of attending the School of Nursing at the University of Michigan, for which I will be forever grateful. Coach Smith was an incredible model of the drive and passion necessary for success and this scholarship allowed me to use these skills for success on the course as a runner, in the classroom as a student, and in the hospital as a nurse.
Jenna Militello, Class of 2014
The Coach Smith scholarship helped me fund my first year of studies at the University of Michigan. I was able to enroll as a full time student and elect multiple credits of classes, which ultimately allowed me to get ahead in classes for my major in Cellular and Molecular Biology. Now, I can graduate almost a full year early. I am so thankful that I was chosen as a recipient of this scholarship. Apart from helping me with my studies, I was honored to receive an award from an individual who I had looked up to as a supportive, hard-working, and inspiring role model throughout high school.
Kelly Hall, Class of 2013
My four years of Saline cross country and track were the best experiences of my life, and Coach Smith was by my side every step of the way with support, wisdom, and compassion. His pre-race advice to me (a timid racer!) was always "be aggressive," and I hope he's proud of the courage and confidence I've built through my XC experiences. Coach, a former SHS teacher, believes strongly in education, and I am so proud that this award is helping me to attend the University of Michigan, where I continue to run daily - I even just ran my first marathon! Thank you, Coach Smith, and thank you to the scholarship committee for the hard work they've put into preserving Coach Smith's legacy. Happy trails!
Anthony Lamus, Class of 2013
Coach Smith has been a staple of Saline Cross County for a long time. Through the years he has carved, formed, and polished the future men and women of the world. During his tenure here the value that has continued to guide each runner is his unwavering dedication. In a world constantly changing and evolving, it is a rarity to find a man or person to stand up and invest every part of himself to another, no matter who they are or where they come from. To be a part of this in any way or form is an honor.
Sarah Marshall, Class of 2012
During my time in Saline Cross Country, Coach Smith saw something in me that I had not yet seen in myself. I remember clearly the exact moment he ignited my competitive fire and nurtured the potential of the type of person I could become. The fact that he was able to do this for each and every girl in a sea of yellow jerseys is a testament to his incredible spirit. I am proud to know him and honored to have been the first recipient of his namesake scholarship. Far beyond the monetary support, receiving the scholarship solidified my identity as the type of leader who could be associated with the legend Mike Smith. This association inspired the confidence I needed to accomplish my dreams, as I'm sure it will for future recipients in the years to come.
Evan Park, Class of 2012
The Mike Smith Scholarship provides generous financial support to the recipient, yes, but more importantly it forces every applicant to genuinely ask themselves self-identifying questions that are fundamental to representing the Saline Cross Country name. The scholarship makes one aware that they are running for a team and community much larger than oneself. The scholarship not only demands a certain type of character, but calls others to meet that standard. Whether I realized it or not, these realizations have shaped the person I have been striving to become.